Latest News 2022 (Noir GROUP & BELLA City & Noir Palace in Second Life and 3dxChat worlds):
2 April March: Noir Squid Game - Players Party
1-20 March: Noir Squid Game preparation, hosting, parties.
26 March: Noir Squid Game - Players party
19-20 March: Noir Squid Game - Round 5 and 6
12-13 March: Noir Squid Game - Round 3 and 4
5-6 March: Noir Squid Game - Round 1 and 2
21 February: Noir Squid Game RLC has got 60 players to start playing beginning of March.
31 January: Noir Squid Game RLC wide is lauched to be played within February 2022!
28 January: Fashion Show organisation, best ever results in RLC!
23 January: Ladies Profiles is updated and enhansed in content
22 January: Masquarade party accomplished
21 January: 2nd presentation of the Noir Squid Game
15 January: BELLA bids and tenders board is updated with new bids.
11 January: Newsletter by BELLA city, 11 January.
11 January: Welcome By_Donnah_Designs as a new BELLA member
7 January: Welcome GodGardner777 as a new BELLA member
6 January: New communication network tool for Noir Palace in other worlds (SL, 3DxChat): https://discord.gg/MCsSFks4
5 January: Welcome GodGardner777 as a new BELLA member. Regular staff meetings.
4 January: Fashion Show room (new) for 2022 BELLA city exponsitions.
3 January: Welcome back KevinSUN in BELLA city.
1 January: Wishes for a happy new year in Noir Palace and BELLA City.
Noticias de archivo (diciembre de 2020 a abril de 2021):
30 de abril de 2021 : BELLA DECO Show ¡COMENTARIOS! Haga clic aqui
29 de abril de 2021 : ¡Evento BELLA para DECO y Equipment Show!
16 de abril de 2021 : ¡BELLA inicia un nuevo proyecto para una Academia!
15 de abril de 2021 : ¡BELLA tiene 2 semanas de apertura de su sala de exposiciones! Tiempo de promoción de diseñadores de moda.
14 de abril de 2021 : los miércoles tienen un interés especial en el Noir Palace, todos los miércoles a las 4 p.m. est, se presenta un tema especial. ¡Mantente actualizado!
13 de abril de 2021 : El anexo en PlayNoir 37 se publica para presentar las empresas de la ciudad de BELLA como parte del patrocinio de oro y redes de VirtualCON 2021 en el Utherverse.
Las fiestas de BELLA City están obteniendo un valor agregado tanto al organizarlas conjuntamente con los clubes BELLA como al ilustrar los negocios en un espacio de exhibición.
10 de abril de 2021 : Desfile de Primavera de BELLA City y Noir Palace. Haga clic aquí para obtener comentarios sobre el evento.
9 de abril de 2021 : El número 37 de PlayNoir acaba de publicarse.
7 de abril de 2021 : ¡Noir Palace se lanza semanalmente durante todo el día los miércoles por la noche especiales con DJ y vestimenta traviesa! No hay tiempo especial, mira los anuncios en él.
3 de abril de 2021 : Beauty and Love Alliance City y Noir Palace serán los anfitriones del desfile de moda de primavera el 10 de abril junto con el desfile de decoración de primavera el 29 de abril.
1 de abril de 2021 : Beauty and Love Alliance City obtiene como Gerente a Simoni_CW por impulsar aspectos clave de su visión y misión, mientras mantiene a las damas del personal senior para operar proyectos clave.
30 de marzo de 2021 : Beauty and Love Alliance City refuerza sus recursos para apoyar dos desfiles, el desfile de moda de primavera y el desfile de decoradores en abril, al tiempo que aumenta los recursos humanos en la ciudad.
20 de marzo de 2021 : Beauty and Love Alliance City (BELLA) ¡nuevo escenario en la planta baja del Hotel! - Poseidon Club pasa a un nuevo club de membresías independiente.
16 de marzo de 2021 : Se agregan dos nuevas propiedades al Grupo NOIR: Galerías y Sala VIP Premium dentro de Noir Palace 2.0.
12-14 de marzo de 2021 : Un conjunto completo de fiestas de Carnaval durante todo el fin de semana organizado en Noir Palace 2.0, lanzando las galerías efectivas y útiles junto con muchos disfraces, vestidos proporcionados por los proveedores de BELLA City. Algunas instantáneas se pueden ver aquí y aquí .
9 de marzo de 2021 : Noir Palace 2.0 y BELLA City obtienen un nuevo logotipo y banderas.
5 de marzo de 2021 : ¡Noir Palace y Bella City se anuncian como PATROCINADORES ORO de Utherverse / RLC VirtualCON 2021!
3 de marzo de 2021 : Bella City y Noir Palace participan como patrocinadores en UV / RLC VirtualCON 2021, en mayo.
3 de marzo de 2021 : las villas en Roma, Florencia y Londres se alquilan gratis durante 1 mes a los postores de la subasta Noir Palace que superen los 2500 rayos en total.
2 de marzo de 2021 : Fiesta especial: Desfile de carnaval, 13 de marzo, de 16 a 19 h, hora del este, Noir Palace 2.0, Dj Angelos, vestuario obligatorio de máscaras.
1 de marzo de 2021 : los resultados de la subasta están aquí . Los regalos de BELLA para ser gastados durante el mes por las damas Noir.
27 de febrero de 2021 : los resultados de la subasta están aquí .
22 de febrero de 2021 : ¡Nueva actualización formal de Noir Palace 2!
16 de febrero de 2021 : Código QR desarrollado para BELLA City Map.
12 de febrero de 2021 : .. "Α balsa abandona el gran barco con mentiras, egoísmo e intolerancia como ventas en movimiento ... ¿a dónde van mis queridos LdSy y PrnsLh?"
5 de febrero de 2021 : la ciudad de BELLA ha aumentado su membresía a 19 en diversos campos de productos y servicios.
3 de febrero de 2021 : ¡Se ha cambiado la cápsula UV para reflejar mejor nuestro mensaje!
2 de febrero de 2021 : Se recomienda que Noir Ladies seleccione por todos los miembros comerciales en Bella / ROM City para gastar sus ofertas ganadas.
1 de febrero de 2021 : ¡Gran inauguración de Noir Railways, fiesta a las 4 p.m., hora del este! ¡Obtenga sus boletos para un destino increíble! Los miembros que alquilan en BELLA tienen derecho a obtener sus cabinas en Noir Express Train I.
31 de enero de 2021 : se agrega una nueva categoría de foro para reseñas de negocios en BELLA / Roman MarketPlace (ROM).
30 de enero de 2021 : Se organizó la mejor subasta ligera de la historia con mucha diversión para todos. Se recogió una gran cantidad de 7.000 rayos para ir de compras a la ciudad de BELLA / ROM.
28 de enero de 2021 : 2do desfile de moda organizado en BELLA / ROM, de 15 a 18 h.
20 de enero de 2021 : se publica PlayNoir 36.
6,7-12 de enero de 2021 : Se otorgan nuevos nombres y desafíos a nuestra ciudad comercial, BELLA, Beauty and Love Alliance City.
3 de enero de 2021 : nuevo diseño de la página principal (noir-palace.com) para reflejar las próximas fiestas y los enlaces activos.
1 de enero de 2021 : Καλή Χρονιά, ¡Feliz año nuevo!
El desafío 1/2020 sobre "reinicio del azúcar" fue logrado por 4 damas Noir, anunciado en foros. Se dan obsequios de feliz año nuevo a las mujeres en los foros.
30 de diciembre de 2020: Semestre B '2020, Encuesta de satisfacción de las damas de Noir:
29 de diciembre de 2020: Semestre B '2020, comentarios de ex miembros:
28 de diciembre de 2020: B 'Semester 2020, Encuesta de satisfacción de los miembros:
25 de diciembre de 2020: Noir Palace & Beauty and Love Alliance City desean a todos los miembros, Noir Ladies, socios, amigos y usuarios de RLC el verdadero mensaje de amor en este Día Internacional de Navidad.
El AMOR trae alma a nuestras vidas humanas, salud, esperanza,
mente creativa e inspiradora, fe para el futuro.
¡Feliz Navidad, Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
20 de diciembre de 2020: ¡Deseamos una Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo para TODOS!
16 y 19 de diciembre de 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City ha establecido su plan de negocios para el primer trimestre de 2021. haga clic aquí.
13 de diciembre de 2020: ¡Fiesta en Dinosland!
Archive News (October 2018- November 2020):
27 November 2020: Lite Auction was a successful organisation due to Noir Palace members, ladies and collaborative people. Thanks to all!
25 November 2020: Noir Palace has launched a serious so called game as "Challenges". First one is about your own health to get disactivated from fat and sugar need. Play it, provide health for you and win a new badge in Noir Palace with benefits announced later on, the HONOiR badge.
24 November 2020: Noir Forums are rocking with many many free spirit comments to be posted daily.
22 November 2020: Noir Palace website has now in effect a Private policy and terms of use.
16 November 2020: Noir Palace World is the new Transport for all Noir community and Beauty and Love Alliance. You are kindly asked to download the Noir Palace client and enter into RLC through it. Our new Transport is designed by a member of the BALA City.
9 November 2020: 300 rays reward for Beauty and Love Alliance City businesses and guests!
8 November 2020: Grand opening party in DA Rockpit, Dynoisthebest, Business Member in Beauty and Love Alliance City.
5 November 2020: Grand opening party in Merlotte Saloon, AlcideH, Business Member in Beauty and Love Alliance City.
4 November 2020: Parties in November will include Beauty and Love Alliance City business members clubs, Merlotte Saloon, DA Rockpit, Victorian Bar!
29 October 2020: PlayNOIR issue 35 is just published. Please read it at https://www.noir-palace.com/forum-1/playnoir/playnoir-35
23 October 2020: Party Fashion Show in Casa di Moda, by BALA city.
11 October 2020: 24 October Fashion show by Beauty and Love Alliance City!!!
8 October 2020: Party in BALA City! - New rules for Noir Ladies for improvement.
7 October 2020: Noir Palace and Beauty and Love Alliance City management meetings!
2 Otober 2020: Blue Brothers GOLD Masquarade party tonight in Express Train I!
19 September 2020: Open Call for dressing Noir Ladies for our monthly Auction event! Ask for info any Beauty and Love Alliance CITY Manager.
9 September 2020: Merlotte Saloon is a new business member in the Beauty and Love Alliance City.
9 September 2020: Prof Luv business and marketing Center is a new business member in the Beauty and Love Alliance City.
4 September 2020: We welcοme AlcideH offer for sponsoring BALA business member on fashion design, Estrelyna_DSGN.
3 September 2020: We welcome a new platinum member, Prof_Luv!
1 September 2020: Open call for Noir Palace members and Beauty and Love Alliance City business members for contributing to our next PlayNoir issue 34! Contact Frances_Noir for your contribution.
6 August 2020: PlayNoir issue 33 just released.
4 August 2020: Happy birthday, Cyndi_J, Noir Palace HR Manager!
1 August 2020: Happy month and summer deep dives to wonderful seas! All news about the Beauty and Love Alliance City are now in new webpage, here
31 July 2020: GRAND Auction was one of the most successful ones ever! Many many thanks to Noir Palace Members and Ladies!!!
30 July 2020: BalA is going to organise its 2nd meeting on Monday 3 August, 4pm est.
27 July 2020: BalA (Beauty and Love Alliance City) gets 10 members!
24 July 2020: Grand Auction is coming in a few days, 31 July, Friday evening at 4m est.
23 July 2020: Weekly parties, meetings organisation twice per month, reporting on management, marketing and leadership advice.
22 July 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City welcomes a new business Member, Christine_FAC by Decoration Industries.
20 July 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City issues street names and numbering for business identification in it.
18 July 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City proceeds to capacity building with its business members.
15 July 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City 1st meeting took place with the participation of business people, and Noir Palace community.
13 July 2020: Noir Palace invites its community to take part into the Beauty and Love Alliance initiative!
11 July 2020: 1st meeting on 15 July 2020 of Business Members in the Beauty and Love Alliance City (4pm est in Beauty and Love Alliance City).
4 July 2020: Summer parties in Noir islands. Party with us with rich trivia, music and amazing Noir team ladies.
1 July 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City is the focus of this month, keeping 4 parties, one per week in our Business City. Opportunities for all to make a place of mutual interest.
28 June 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City is ready to host Noir Palace Members relative businesses along to Ladies business interests.
26 June 2020: Lite Auction today 4pm est in Naxos Island!
25 June 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City counts 2 business members.
24 June 2020: Beauty and Love Alliance City hires a new Manager, Frances by Noir Palace resources.
17 June 2020: PlayNoir issue 32 is just published.
11, 12 June 2020: Two Grand Opening parties:
(11 June): Oriental Express Train
(12 June): Beauty and Love Alliance City
7 June 2020: Three new initiatives under development, today management meeting:
- AChat service (running over RLC)
- Noir Palace Passions management
- Beauty and Love Alliance City development
6 June 2020: Updated Member benefits.
5 June 2020: Advisory Committee Meeting (1/2020) about the Beauty and Love Alliance City.
1 June 2020: Noir Palace Platinum, Gold and Silver Members have the new benefit to be able to receive their fun sessions in AChat virtual world using their NoirCoins. AChat provides an awesome 3d experience only for fun sessions. Ask Simoni_CW for quick set up.
29 May 2020: Lite Auction party was successfuly organised into Noir Naxos isle, thanks to our members and ladies.
26 May 2020: Call for interest to anyone in Noir Palace who wish buy rays through PayPal system. Tell Simoni.
26 May 2020: Call for interest to Members for participating into Advisory Committee and Ambassadors program of Noir Palace.
25 May 2020: What is Noir?.. a family?.. a club?.. an association?.. a business?: A thorough view by a Noir Palace Member. Click here to read.
21 May 2020: (3.30pm est or 9.30 pm cet) We love Noir Utherverse POD: Show it! .. We all sit down front of our pod (stairs or floor) Not talk or solicit in local chat (/join noirpod21). Ask in the above channel what you need. No special guide. Be there, sit, talk in our channel. After 20 minutes we join our regular party in Noir Santorini Island.
19 May 2020: Win rays: 3-5pm est outside Noir Palace Pod in Utherverse Transport. Pass by the Guard DOOR and win rays!
15 May 2020: Member Satisfaction Survey is now available for May 2020. You may find it in login page (www.noir-palace.com)
10 May 2020: Revised board for our Noir Ladies. Introduce Managers Grid roles (password) as well as our new policy about CSR.
9 May 2020: Noir Palace announces its new management scheme with new entries.
4 May 2020: Noir Palace is going to bring real life businesses into its new Beauty and Love alliance City as to flourish user experiences and club operations.
3 May 2020: Noir Palace management meeting decides a new managerial scheme and roles per manager.
1 May 2020: GRAND AUCTION and lotto party of the year. Amazing results exceeding expectations.
28 April 2020: Noir Palace members and ladies contribute 6,750 rays on Kelly_Purple for her husband loss due to Corona virus (Convid-19).
28 April 2020: Development of a new alliance of businesses in Utherverse: Love and Beauty Alliance.
27 April 2020: Cabaret night in French downtown neighborhood.
23 April 2020: Due to kelly's husband loss cause of convid-19 virus we cancelled our events and parties while keep a fund for helping Kelly.
20 April 2020: Playnoir magazine issue 31 just published. Click here to read it.
20 April 2020: Spring time in Paris, an event for our members! (party event).
18 April 2020: Noir Palace got a permanent door/port in all Utherverse Transports.
17 April 2020: Noir La Maison hosts our monthly Masquarade party (party event).
16 April 2020: Noir City hosts an international gastronomy day (party event).
13 April 2020: Noir Airlines ready to depart (party event).
11 April 2020: website content is now translated into french language.
11 April 2020: Get discount ticket for next Gold - Masquarade party, 17 April 2020. Click here.
10 April 2020: Book a Noir Lady. Click here.
9 April 2020: Noir Palace participates into the Business Round Table initiative made by Utherverse.
9 April 2020: Disney Party in Noir Oriental Palace, Hosting by Asako and Urara. Click here.
7 April 2020: Appointment of a new Full Manager in Noir Palace in Human Resources, Cyndi_J_.
6 April 2020: Establishment of a new Noir Business Team. Click here to see the full announcement.
5 April 2020: New member satisfaction is now available (April-May 2020). Click here.
4 April 2020: Candylishes_Noir was just Noir baptized!
3 April 2020: Successful Noir Masquarade - GOLD party was done in Noir Palace 2.0 where 10 members, 12 ladies.
30 March 2020: Translation of information into french language is just started.
25 March 2020: Your views are asked in Noir Forums. Teams for languages translation, cultural themed parties and coming new Noir Awards.
23 March 2020: New tab in website, FAQ section.
23 March 2020: New training II edition. Please read and do the test of understanding.
18 March 2020: New training I , II, working rules and understanding tests are published.
17 March 2020: Take the Quizz to see what really you know about Noir Palace.
16 March 2020: A wonddurful birthday surprise party was implemented by Noir TEAM for Simoni in Noir Naxos island. A huge thank you for all team ladies in Noir Palace!
15 March 2020: Further on our surveys on request, Simoni and management team welcome you for a Cafe invitation to talk about your experiences in Noir Palace. Arrange with Simoni or management team a Cafe in Noir Paris (Maison).
14 March 2020: We have published 2 surveys for our Members' satisfaction and non or ex members reasons to leave. Please click here to reply for Members' Satisfaction, or click here to reply for Leave reasons survey. Noir Palace Team is grateful for your time to reply to our surveys.
10 March 2020: We have published in Noir Forums some information about how Noir Palace reacts to CoronaVirus for its people, members, ladies and friends.
7 March 2020: We reward members who upload or comment in Noir Forum posts! Upload a new post win 5 rays per post. Comment on existing posts win 1 ray per comment. Offer is valid till 14 March 2020.
6 March 2020: We have launched a new house music stream by Dj_Angelos with lists of music.
5 March 2020: Noir Casino is renovated and re-launched. Members of Noir Palace are eligible to play in Casino and only to win! How is that possible? Visit Noir Casino and play in tables. Winners who can get the triple of initial amount of table wallet given win a Noir Lady for 1 session. Ask Simoni or a Manager for further information. Evidence is asked and will be provided by screenshots.
1 February 2020: Noir Palace 2.0 into full operation. More changes for fun time.
31 January 2020: Grand Auction and Lotto event.
25 January 2020: New Noir properties lobby is created. Visit it here: vww://utherverse.vww/@148106/@1553120
13 January 2020: New published Noir PlayNOIR issue 30 available. Enjoy it here.
10 January 2020: Noir Palace goes to its second major revision (2.0). Soon operational for all community.
1 January 2020: Happiest 2020.. Happy Noir Year!
30 December 2019: We much thank our Members among others who contributed to our Christmas Fund this year for all working Noir ladies.
25 December 2019: Merry Christmas to all, Noiriticans !
21 December 2019: PlayNoir issue 29 is just published. Click here to view it.
20 December 2019: Noir Mansion, a new place is also launched to simulate special parties, eyes wide shut movie was first selected. Mansion has a lot of secret rooms for multiple fun time.
5 December 2019: Noir MOKA, a new place is launched. This is to simulate 1920's Berlin times of nightlife where Josephine Baker (Simoni: Simophine Baker) - Severija (Anita) - Mata Hari (Rita77) - Marlene Dietrich (Cyndi) were appeared and made world wide impact. This place stimulates a series of special parties with special roles for everyone. Ladies in special dresses while gentlemen in black suit - tie. Let 's wake up in Berlin 1920's on 5th of December. Event Director: Anita
1 December 2019: This last month of the year, Noir Palace brings 2 special grand openings of properties. Noir MOCA is first series of parties to bring people in role playing presenting Berlin in 1920's night life. It is launched 5 December 2019. Noir Mansion is going to host special mystic or ritual parties, starting 20 December 2019. First party is based on the famous movie, Eyes Wide Shut along to special real party happening each year in London, Noir nude. Enjoy those 2 new kind of parties launched in Noir Palace.
29 November 2019: Lite Auction was successful due to Noir Palace members and ladies.
26 November 2019: Management and TEAM change meeting is planned.
24 November 2019: PlayNoir magazine issue 28 is published.
17 November 2019: Asako and Ben are got married! We wish them the best in our Noir Palace community. Photos by wedding are taken.
9 November 2019: Grand opening of new property, Noir ARENA. Clubbing oriented while it is focused on zero lag parties.
2 November 2019: Promotion and marketing week for Noir Palace. Transports and RLC street features Noir Palace.
1 November 2019: Gold Masquarade party is first time organised with members engagement. It is planned for 30 November, Saturday.
31 October 2019: Halloween party in Noir Volcano tonight!
25 October 2019: Lite AUCTION was implemented with success! We much thank our lovely life long members for the fun time shared with us!
21 October 2019: Lite AUCTION and LOTTO are organised for this Friday evening 4pm est for 3 hours in new club, Crazy Hourse. Click here to see current bids.
18 October 2019: New edition of PLAYNOIR issue 27 https://www.noir-palace.com/issue-27
6 October 2019: Open Call for Noir Palace AMBASSADORs. Apply here
5 October 2019: Open Call for Members wishing to get assigned into the Advisory Committee of Noir GROUP. Essential criteria are to be at least 6 months Gold or Platinum Member and have strong experience in management or other sciences. Apply here.
4 October 2019: Feedback ladies and Noir Palace with your views on Noir ladies performances and Club operations. Follow this link: https://www.noir-palace.com/forum-1
3 October 2019: New TV is set for our Noir Palace Theatre. All kind of adult movies, music station.
2 October 2019: New service: BOOK ONLINE !!!
1 October 2019: Management meeting is planned for 8th of October. You, as working lady or a member may feedback us before it with your views on the following topics. Follow this link to provide us your feedback.
5 September 2019: Paul Campell, our gold Noir Palace members has uploaded some interesting day to day aspects we may do to as to save Cyndi_j. We expect your comments on forums (Link: https://www.noir-palace.com/forum-1/general/hurricane-dorian-and-the-noir-palace )
31 August 2019: Noir Palace is seeking ladies in SL for its site.
31 August 2019: Noir Palace appoints new manager, Asako as well as new assistant manager, Bobbie27. A new marketing leader joined in management team, Caroline_B.
15 August 2019: Noir Palace annouunces its 2nd lite Auction taking place 23rd August 2019!
1 August 2019: Noir Palace wishes a nice relaxing summer time!
24 July 2019: Noir Palace has made possible all members to see what the balance of their NoirCoins (NC) is and use them for updating their membership in Noir Palace. Members who update in time win each month accumulative NC.
20 July 2019: Noir Palace invites all its members to participate into our 1st LITE Auction takes places each month. Members may bid for DAY or/and HOUR slots for each lady and also participate in monthly lottery. Personal invitations are sent to members.
2 July 2019: GRAND Opening party in Noir Palace / SL, 4pm est - 10 pm cet ( 2 hours ) with Dj Angelos.
26 June 2019: Noir Palace invites its members for its GRAND Auction for Summer, 28 June. Every month afterwards Condensed auctions will be running every month ( 1 hour ). Next Grand one is scheduled for end of September.
9 June 2019: Noir Palace / SL is just launched. We are recruiting Noir Ladies (SL) along to establishing our groups (Ladies, Friends).
4 June 2019: Noir Palace has an open call for new Noir Ladies, especially those recommended by our Members both for RLC and Second Life worlds.
1 June 2019: Noir Palace wishes you a happy Summer time! Get your swimming clothe and come for dives into Noir summer time properties: Tropical Island, Tropicana Hotel, Naxos, Patmos, Santorini, Cyclades islands in aegean sea!
29 May 2019: Noir Palace calls interested guests, members or ladies to voluntarily join the new Noir Palace in Second Life. Ask Simoni_CW (RLC) or SimoniNP (SL).
17 May 2019: New board for Noir Destinations is made with description (image and text).
10 May 2019: Noir Palace welcomes its new Destinations Board.
5 May 2019: Noir Palace rents exclusive to its members the newest Noir Florence Villa. Its designed for the advanced requirements of our Members. Click here to port there directly.
30 April 2019: Noir Palace parties are published for May. There are 3 new parties included into our regular program which are scheduled for Sunday evening, 10 pm est for 2 hours. Each Sunday now on, indicated as USA parties.
28 April 2019: Noir Express Train wagons which are won in Grand Auction are designed to represent Classy Movies of US cinema. They are ready for use by our bidders.
27 April 2019: We welcome all our members who honored our best ever Grand Auction in Noir Palace, exceeding our up limits!
25 April 2019: Noir Palace has just published its 25th edition of Playnoir magazine.
20 April 2019: Noir Palace wishes Happy Easter to its members.
20 April 2019: Noir Palace is establishing a forum @visioning about spiritual matters after a member's request. There is an open call of interest to join this roundtable.
13 April 2019: Noir Palace is establishing an Advisory Commitee with long term willing Gold/Platinum members for utilising management team decisions. Members who wish to participate and are more than 1 year in Noir Palace are asked to inform management.
12 April 2019: Noir Palace is going to TAG its 3 stars staff.
11 April 2019: Noir Palace is asking for Dom/Masters who wish to work in Noir Palace as its staff.
10 April 2019: Noir Palace is acquisizing valuable small clubs in RLC.
7 April 2019: Noir Palace organised successfuly a party in USA time zone this Sunday (9-12pm est). We plan as we introduce 2 parties in the next month for USA time zone members.
6 April 2019: Noir Palace has a new virtual property in Second Life, @The Cabaret ! (connect with SimoniNP in second life)
1 April 2019: Noir Palace organises "Summer School" for all interested in improving their virtual lives.
29 March 2019: March Lotto shared 1200 rays to lucky winners! Also Grand Auction provided more than 16000 rays to Noir Ladies. Congrats All !
23 March 2019: Noir Palace accepts payments in Rays (RLC) or in Lieden (L$) by Second Life.
21 March 2019: April parties are already published
9 March 2019: Join our facebook network (real or virtual profiles).
3 March 2019: Noir Palace creates a network of Ambassadors in Virtual Reality Worlds.
1 March 2019: Noir Palace wishes a spring fruitful fun time to its network.
26 February 2019: New entry in TEAM, Vikky69 and Brianne_Cavanni !
23 February 2019: New entry in TEAM, Felicity and Mira5 !
23 February 2019: GRAND AUCTION & LOTTO are launched! Please Bid Bid Bid on your favorites 38 plus Noir Ladies!
19 February 2019: Carnival and Masquarade party is organised for 22 February 2019 in Noir Palace!
16 February 2019: PlayNoir issue 24 is edited for Noir Palace members.
13 February 2019: Joke of the day!
Q: Is Google male or female?
A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion. :))
12 February 2019: New Page: Zodiacs. Click.
9 February 2019: JOB ENQUIRY: Our Member, _Fa_ has recently lost his job. He is seeking for a new one urgently. He lives in Quebec, Drummondville, Canada. He is technician in water treatment and car mechanics. Send email if you, a relative of yours or whoever can help.
6 February 2019: The TEAM of Love! Noir Palace sponsors the initiative: "Love at first sight". Vsit Noir Palace for more info.
30 January 2019: Out of agenda Greek night and Ouzo party was done in Noir Palace, with more than 35 people, enjoying greek music, ouzo, syrtaki, dallaras, glikeria, etc.
26 January 2019: 5 Noir Lotto winners shared 1400 rays while more than 20 k rays given to Noir Ladies during our 1st Grand Auction of the year. Congrats to all participants.
25 January 2019: Lotto event will take lucky drawing today during Noir Palace party!
25 January 2019: Grand Auction today, 1st of the year. Please set your bids on Noir Ladies.
24 January 2019: Noir Palace launched its new Noir After Dark Hall for its members. Grand Opening party today!
23 January 2019: Last input for Noir Palace members satisfaction survey is 24 Jan.
16 January 2019: Noir Palace has turned on its monthly member satisfaction measurement, along to Noir Ladies performance. Visit the following link
15 January 2019: Noir Palace seeks for Members and ladies who wish to attend training in basic decoration or basic clothes design. Classes are free for members and ladies of Noir Palace. Contact Simoni.
12 January 2019: Noir Palace is now permantly advertised into Utherverse Transports. Click there to port directly to your Noir Palace.
9 January 2019: We present our annual PlayNoir Magazine 2018 with all editions included. Enjoy it!
6 January 2019: New Noir Palace property is added to our network: Noir After Dark ! Soon it ll be organised a party for members to add it for their pleasure!
1 January 2019: Message by Simoni:
Dear Members, Noir Ladies, Managers, Collaborators and Friends of Noir Palace,
I am honored today, 1st of January 2019, to wish you all my best by heart. I would like to let you know that I am grateful you have trusted myself, managers and Noir team for your virtual times, fun, pleasure, love, your hope for a better tomorrow.
Let me share with you that we started in 2012 as a Club with a vision, a mission and certain values which we further exploited in later years. Today, Noir Palace is a powerful establishment cause of You all, the experience gained and its way forward the future. This year, Noir Palace is extending into more virtual worlds while establishing its own currency the "noircoin" as coin for virtual fun and pleasure.
Together to virtual future,
Love and respect to all
29 Dec. 2018: Congratulations of ALL our members, ladies and friends for the best of the year Grand Auction took place in Noir City in 28th of December 2018. All are winners!
28 Dec. 2018: Grand AUCTON of the Year today!
25 Dec. 2018: Καλά Χριστούγεννα !
21 Dec. 2018: 21 Dec 2012 - 21 Dec 2018, 6 years NOIR PALACE ! Grand Auction is launched today till 28 Dec. Fill Board with your bids!
16 Dec. 2018: New Gold wall is made to keep all ladies and members wishes for Christmas. Noir Santa Claus is coming to Noir City with a sack of gifts. Write down your wishes!
15 Dec. 2018: New call for Noir Ladies who are USA west coast residents. Please contact manager CuteTrouble.
12 Dec. 2018: New Members Board is edited and Christmas cards are uploaded.
12 Dec. 2018: Noir Express Train wagons as well as Roman Villas in Noir City are in our forthcoming GRAND AUCTION in 28 December. Wagons include a noir lady + graffiti + monthly rent, minimum 200 rays each, except no. 5 the gold one for 300 rays. Roman villas include a superb villa of 3 levels, in Rome, seat in Noir City main square, 6 sessions with a noir lady for 1 month minimum rent is 1500 rays!
8 Dec. 2018: 14 December: Social Party about bulling at workplace! Join us in forums and party itself. Submit your views.
3 Dec. 2018: Noir Express Train wagons are ready for use by new owners!
1 Dec. 2018: Grand Auction success brought Noir Ladies wellness, Graffiiti Noir Express Train wagons, Lotto winners too. Congrats to ALL !
Atreah and Rita are awarded for most sessions won in Noir Palace!
24 Nov. 2018: Tri-Grand Auction! Noir Ladies, Noir Members, Noir Properties!
23 Nov. 2018: Grand Auction November is started till 30 November.
23 Nov. 2018: Playnoir issue 23 is issued.
22 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace gives honor to thanksgiving day!
20-21 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace welcomes its new lite PLATINUM Members: Danielki, Ben Franklin!
17 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace is planning a marketing campaign with Utherverse community.
16 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace TEAM is catched in main stage dancing in best mood.
16 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace extends its network: https://www.asmallworld.com
16 Nov. 2018: Sex and Social party in Noir Angels: Reward best smart, sex messages for climate aspects.
15 Nov. 2018: Tanja_ger, Cathymoon are back in Noir TEAM while we hired Miss_Angel_47.
11 Nov. 2018: Ferrers_HT joins as lite Platinum Member in Noir Palace.
11 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace joins the real life people s network: https://www.asmallworld.com.
9 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace runs its Masquarade private party into "La Maison", 4pm est, 90 min.
7 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace wishes happy birthday to Michael_Wy..!
4 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace seeks for people for new initiatives leadership and support !
3 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace facebook friend list is enriched by members and noir ladies. Please keep it on.
3 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace has uploaded management decisions made in 31 Oct. See here forum.
2 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace hired a new Noir Lady, Asako_hana. An asian lady with much skills.
1 Nov. 2018: Noir Palace rewards best in likes (pictures, videos and stories) which do some impact into social awareness for re-union with nature! Click into forums here.
31 Oct.018: Noir Palace rewards best in performances Noir Ladies.
31 Oct.018: Parties book for November is published. Full Noir properties as Destinations has been uploaded here.
30 Oct.018: A new Noir Lady has joined our team, Lady_Exton. Click here to see current board of staff.
30 Oct.018: Click here to connect to Google Community for "NOIR PALACE" followers.
30 Oct. 2018: Codes have been changed to reflect new website and new properties board called now 'flights board' (visit codes - About Me)
29 Oct. 2018: Social impact party is organised for 16th of November, Noir Angels, about Climate Change. Noir Palace is seeking volunteers to participate into party organisation.
29 Oct. 2018: Social media are added in Facebook and G+.
28 Oct. 2018: Website Chat service could be one to one with other site-members or to all, as before.
26 Oct. 2018: Grand Auction best bidder wins to double his noircoins!
26 Oct. 2018: Grand Auction gets its best ever success with 18 Members participants, 26 Noir Ladies, 2 groups with total 21.780 rays to be shared ! See here.
Sasha_Creams. 25 Oct. 2018: A new Noir Lady joined our team:
24 Oct. 2018: Noir Group properties are all included now in our Flights Board!